Wednesday, January 9

Improve Indoor Air with Houseplants

Photo by madaise

We always know they make any room look better and somehow improves the ambiance and "atmosphere," but NASA, yes that spacey and hi-tech US agency, took it a step further and did some serious digging on houseplants and their effect on indoor air. The research definitely found that houseplants ameliorates indoor air and remove some toxic gases, making it better for us to breath.

Recommended indoor houseplants include the following:

  1. Mother's in law tongue
  2. Peace lily
  3. Marginata
  4. Pot mum
  5. Banana
  6. Philodendron
  7. Green Spider Plant
  8. Aloe Vera

Read the full report here (PDF).

Tuesday, September 4

LED Lamp Powered by Salt Water.

I seldom spring for gadgets, specially if they are for trekking and camping. Electronics and batteries don't really mix with fogs, rain, and dampness and they could go bonkers when you really need them. But I'll be making an  exception when this LED lamp powered by salt water and magnesium becomes available in the local market. The magnesium rod needed to produce electricity can last for 120 hours of lighting. That's more than enough for a week of trekking.

Read the full story here.

Wednesday, June 20

Cardboard Bicycle

Image from CNET.

Regular metal bicycles are already an eco-friendly means of going from Point A to Point B but people are still searching for ways to make it even friendlier. First there were the bamboo bicycles, which apparently were already a thing in Vietnam decades ago. Now, a lot of folks are into bamboo rides.

An Israeli enthusiast just upped the ante with a bicycle largely made of recycled cardboard. Remember those  cardboard packaging that came with large ticket items such as refrigerators? Well, they have some cool use now aside from being temporary beds for fido. The cardboard bicycle is said to cost less than USD10.00. Is it too much to hope that the design be turned open source or at least be made available at little cost?

Tuesday, May 1

World Migratory Bird Day

Photo by BaronBrian

Good day!

I and a friend did some bird-watching of the ladies kind a few weeks ago which reminded me of the World Migratory Bird Day. Lots of bird species fly South for warmer climates during winter. That's how bird flu gets passed around.

Anyway, flu or not, birds do have their place in the overall scheme of things. So if it's okay with you, try to say a prayer for the little birdies on May 12 and 13, 2012. Now, don't ask me why it isn't World Migratory Bird Days, go to their site at to find out why it takes them 2 human days to observe a bird day.


Tuesday, February 14

Environmental Black Metal

Tell somebody you're into black metal and you'll certainly draw that queer look. Been a headbanger since I was seven but I considered myself only 99% metal because I drew the line on black, melodic death being my favorite subgenre. But the dark side truly is strong and it incessantly beckoned.

I did a search on what black metal is even before I listened to the music. I found that the genre is more on creating atmosphere and that not every band in the niche is heartily singing about a horned guy with a tail and trident. I also found a jewel.

Rock and roll is all about freedom, about attitude. So if rock  is about not conforming to all those rules that stifles our lives,  black metal must be the most rebellious scion of them all. Let us keep that in mind as we consider a band that defied even the definition of black metal, Wolves in the Throne Room.

These guys are not following any of those gimmicks and lyrics that comes to mind when we hear the words "black metal." They are using the genre as a medium to express their oneness with nature. That truly is awesome badassness in my book.  Nature's gone extreme heavy metal.